PF Claim




 1. Advance Claim - F31 (Active )

2. Less than 9.5yrs  - F19 & F10C - one time withdraw

3. More than 9.5 yrs - F19 & F10D - monthly pension - 58th age - Yearly once need renew our life certificate by Bank or post office by biometric authentication with pension No.
After Death 50% Pension shared to nominee.

4. Scheme Certificate - Form 10C (Multiple company with same UAN - F19 Claimed - 10C not Claimed? - Need to ask Scheme certificate from the employer, then claim pension amount)

Windows Commad Prompt

1. Open Command Prompt in any Folder: Goto Navigation bar on Windows explorer and type CMD click enter to Open

2. Create a Secure folder: Goto desired location, Type the command "md FolderName" click enter. If you want to remove that secure folder (Remove your content before do that) Type "rd FolderName" Click Enter.

3. To Hide folder : Open cmd to the location of folder "attrib +h +s +r FolderName"

To Show the Folder "attrib -h -s -r FolderName"

4. Shutdown: "Shutdown -s" , With Timer "Shutdown /s /t 50" (Time in seconds)

Restart: " Shutdown -r"

LogOff: :Shutdown -L"

5.Get Installed Driver  data: " driverquery /FO list /v"

6. Copy your Command Result to clipboard (cmd | Clip)>  “ipconfig | clip“

7. List the Programs name : "wmic product get name"

8. Stop the Cmd Process "Ctrl +C"

9. System File Checker " sfc /Scannow"

10. Delete Temp files "del /q /f /s %temp%\*"

Delete Temp Filw with Admin rights "del /s /q C:\Windows\temp\*"

11. enable Hotspot "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=WIFINAME key=12345678"

Start the hotspot "netsh wlan start hostednetwork"

stop the hotspot "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork"

12. Clear cmd Screen "Cls"

13. To find list of folder details  "Dir" If need sort it "Dir  /b /s | Sort"

14. Check Admin previleage "Net session"

15. Check ip details "ip config all"

16. open webpage "start"

17. Get Ip of the Web "ping"

18. Get running Process "tasklist" In detail "tasklist /v"

19. Change time: open cmd as admin "Time"

20. List the Folder in Tree view "tree"

21. Assign a Path for a particular Locatio "subst q: c:\windows\fonts"

22. Save the Command Result to Text file: "systeminfo > c:\mycomputerinfo.txt" (Cmd > E:\Notes.txt)


How to Create Hotspot with WIFI Receiver - Windows 10

  • Download NoWIFI Software from Microsoft Store.

  • Link:

  • Open the software and click Access point ON

  • If the software not work properly first connect your mobile hotspot with Pc then enable it. 

  • After Hotspot On you can turn off your mobile hotspot. 

  • Finally Your Pc enable the Hotspot feature by this software upto 8 devices.


NoWiFi application window